The Christopher Ludwick Foundation
Guidelines for Applicants
Applications for funding from the Christopher Ludwick
Foundation will be considered only between December 1 and January 14 of
the funding year. They
must be submitted both on paper on the application form attached and
electronically. Paper submissions must have a postmark of January 16 at
Applicants must use the application form provided on this website and follow the instructions set forth therein.
The Foundation will only consider applications from organizations within the City of Philadelphia specifically targeted to children resident within the city limits.
In addition, before applying for a grant, please review the following guidelines:
- The Foundation funds direct educational instruction and enrichment in academic subjects and the arts specifically for students in grades K-12. Program content should be coordinated with the curriculum of the School District of Philadelphia.
- Programs may take place during the school day or out-of-school-time hours. In the case of summer camps and day care programs, funding is considered only if the program has a proven educational component.
- As a general rule, the Foundation does not fund the
- building campaigns
- endowment drives
- equipment purchases
- general operating support.
- The Foundation very rarely funds programs of individual schools and then only for special services outside the school’s normal operations.
- The Foundation does not provide grants for programs targeted at children with disabilities.
- The Foundation does not make direct grants to individuals.
Successful applicants must submit to the Foundation a report on the use of the funds by January 14 of the year after the one in which the grant was awarded.